Schoolkids’ artwork takes centre stage in wonderful ‘World of Wyndford’ display
Schoolkids in Wyndford have created stunning artwork which is on display in the community.

Youngsters from Cleveden Secondary and Notre Dame High School, as well as North Kelvinside, St Mary’s and Parkview primary schools, worked with art organisation WAVEparticle on the colourful creations.
The art, called ‘World of Wyndford’, is part of the £73million regeneration project by Wheatley Homes Glasgow to transform the neighbourhood.
Youngsters were asked to choose an object that was special to them – something from their home, for example, or a gift from a family member, or an object that reminded them of relatives – and talk about it with their families.
The objects were then transformed into vivid works of art which are on display on hoardings across Wyndford.
Sharon Duffy, teacher at North Kelvinside Primary, said: “We had 24 kids involved in the project and they really enjoyed it.
“The objects reflect what is important to the young people. One youngster chose prayer beads because they reminded him of his mum. They also reflect the diversity of the school.
“The love the young people feel for the objects really shone through. Wyndford is also their home, and now everyone in Wyndford can see what’s important to them.
“They are all so proud seeing their art on display.”
Joanne Oliveira, 11, who lives in Wyndford, said: “I chose a bracelet I got in Portugal. It’s the most special thing I have. It reminds me of all the great times I had there.
“Seeing the work outside in Wyndford makes me feel so happy. It’s amazing!”
Wheatley Homes Glasgow’s regeneration of Wyndford in Maryhill will see four unpopular tower blocks demolished and hundreds of new homes built in their place.
The artwork will feature on security fence hoardings around the estate.
Frank McCafferty, Wheatley Group Director of Assets and Repairs, said: “It’s really important to us that the community are closely involved in the regeneration of Wyndford.
“We want people of all ages to play their part – and this fantastic artwork will be part of the story of the transformation of the community.”
Thursday, November 09, 2023