Keep up to date with all of the latest news from Wheatley Homes Glasgow and in your community.
More than 18,000 tonnes of bulk waste have been collected from Glasgow’s streets by the city’s largest housing provider.
Wheatley is doing more than ever to increase opportunities for young people.
‘Less Waste Laura’ praises Wheatley for upcycling programme and reducing environmental waste
Christmas has arrived early for families in a Glasgow community after the opening of a new play area.
Scotland’s biggest social landlord has acquired new family homes in Glasgow in its efforts to increase the supply of quality affordable housing in the city.
Families across Glasgow are enjoying a story with a happy ending after receiving free books throughout 2024.
A community in the southside of Glasgow is clean and green thanks to a nursery school, Glasgow City Council and the city’s largest social landlord.
Wheatley Group is to make an additional 1000 homes available to local authorities in Scotland to help tackle the homelessness crisis.
Scotland’s leading housing, care and property-management group has been praised by tenants for helping them access extra welfare benefits.
Students from Afghanistan are being helped to fulfil their dreams of becoming doctors thanks to Wheatley.
Scotland’s leading housing, care and property-management group welcomed Housing Minister Paul McLennan to Edinburgh to meet the tenant who moved into the landmark home.
Older tenants are beings urged to apply for a benefit that could be worth almost £4000 per year.
Scotland’s leading housing, care and property-management group has been recognised for reducing carbon emissions and developing sustainable communities.
Social housing tenants across Scotland are accessing quality laptops and tablets for free – thanks to a new IT recycling scheme.
A lifeline affordable food project in the north-east of Glasgow has become a vital community hub.
Wheatley Homes Glasgow and a leading demolition contractor have stepped up to help a struggling café in Maryhill.
Green-fingered residents living in Glasgow are taking part in a gardening showdown this summer.
More than 17,000 tenants of Scotland’s largest social landlord received support through one of Scotland’s leading Foundations.
A Glasgow tenants’ group involved in one of Scotland’s biggest regeneration projects has won a prestigious national award.
Work has started this month on 71 new mid-market homes on the site of the former Shawbridge Arcade.
Residents can view the exciting plans for the £100m regeneration at Wyndford at a new exhibition.
Wheatley Group has 50 education bursaries available for tenants and customers to go to university and college.
More than 13,000 tonnes of bulk waste was collected and almost 250,000 stairwells cleaned by the environmental team of Glasgow’s largest social landlord in the last 12 months.
Planning permission has been granted for a £20.3 million transformation of a former hotel in the east of Glasgow.
Tenants of Scotland’s largest housing association are being helped to ‘Stay Safe’ in their homes.
Scotland’s largest social landlord invested £18.5 million improving homes in Glasgow in the last financial year.
Residents in Easterhouse are being encouraged to have their say on development plans to transform their community.
Wheatley Homes Glasgow and Glasgow City Council reveal updated plans to transform Wyndford in Maryhill
Tributes have been paid to two former tenant board members in Glasgow after they passed away last month.
Scotland’s biggest social landlord has helped tenants save more than £122,000 on their energy bills over the last six months.
Creative kids are helping brighten up Wyndford with new artwork celebrating nature.
Over 2000 customers from across Wheatley Group communities have signed up to use their voice and help improve services with their social landlord.
A Glasgow man has praised an advice service for helping him access benefits he didn’t know he was entitled to.
Tenants in Wyndford are feeling more secure and better connected thanks to a new concierge station.
Schoolkids in Wyndford have created stunning artwork which is on display in the community.
Independent advisory service hails focus group as “exemplar”.
We take your complaints, comments and compliments very seriously and we always try to learn from them and your feedback.
More than 10,000 homeless people in Scotland will be provided with homes by 2026, figures from Wheatley Group have revealed.
The importance of housing as a career is the focus for this year’s Scottish Housing Day which takes place today, Wednesday 13 September 2023.
Wheatley Homes Glasgow is building 47 new homes on vacant land in the east of the city.
A community food larder in Glasgow has marked its first anniversary of supporting customers through the cost-of-living crisis.
A Glasgow community is going green thanks to an environmental week of action by Wheatley Homes Glasgow.
Wheatley Group has helped its tenants save more than £400,000 on fuel bills in the last 12 months.
A new community food larder has been launched in Glasgow to help tenants cope with the cost-of-living crisis.
Customers of Wheatley Group have until 30 June to apply for an education bursary.
An education bursary scheme to help tenants living in some of Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities will reach a major milestone this year.
Wheatley Group has helped tenants across Scotland claim back more than £13 million in welfare benefits in the past 12 months.
Tributes have been paid to one of Glasgow’s most dedicated housing campaigners who has died after a short illness.
A service launched to improve the lives of older people across Scotland is celebrating its fifth anniversary.
A charity football match has raised more than £5000 for a well-known cancer charity.
A major new study into the effect of Universal Credit on social housing tenants has revealed the detrimental impact it is having on lives and how it is driving people into debt and poverty.
Tenants in Scotland’s biggest city have celebrated 20 years since the transfer of more than 80,000 council homes to Glasgow Housing Association (GHA).
We’re launching our updated Housing Information Advice and Letting Policy Framework today.
Staff from Wheatley Group are getting ready to kick off a fundraiser for a leading cancer charity.
An innovative heating project to help tenants of Wheatley Homes Glasgow with their energy bills has been praised by Patrick Harvie MSP.
Disused land in the southside of Glasgow has been transformed into a vibrant community garden where locals can come together and connect.
If you haven’t already done so, be sure to claim your £400 energy bill voucher before time runs out.
A new report by a leading architectural firm into the regeneration of Wyndford has confirmed the demolition of four multi-storeys is the best option.
Community Safety Minister Elena Whitham MSP has heard how Wheatley Group is supporting survivors of domestic abuse through an award-winning move-on service.
Wheatley Group has helped tenants across Scotland access almost £9 million in benefits and financial support.
A new environmental report by a leading UK architect has supported proposals by Wheatley Homes Glasgow to demolish four multi-storey flats and for hundreds of new homes to be built in their place.
A Wheatley Foundation programme to tackle unemployment in some of Scotland’s most disadvantaged areas has reached a major milestone – with its 3000th job and training opportunity created.
Tenants in Wyndford have backed ambitious proposals for the regeneration of the Glasgow estate.
Due to the recent freezing weather, our Customer First Centre has received a high number of calls.
Wheatley Homes Glasgow customers over the age of 70 will receive drop-in visits from their housing officer over the winter months
A new community larder in Glasgow set up only four months ago has been praised by tenants and a councillor after 330 customers signed up.
The Scottish Child Payment has increased – and has been extended to include all children under 16.
Wheatley Group has helped tenants claim back more than £5 million in benefits they were entitled to in the past six months.
Make sure you don’t fall victim to fraudsters around the £400 energy bills discount this winter.
We’re looking to redesign our online services – and we need your help.
Wheatley Homes Glasgow has started work on a £1.6 million programme to make homes more energy efficient and reduce heating bills.
A new community food larder has been launched in Glasgow to help tenants cope with the cost-of-living crisis.
£6M cost-of-living fund will support over 20,000 tenants.
Wheatley communities are looking their best thanks to a pioneering partnership with one of the country’s leading environmental charities.
A Wheatley Homes Glasgow tenant says her new family home in the south of the city is “exactly what we were looking for”.
Wheatley Group is on the lookout for Scotland’s brightest and best university leavers to join its graduate scheme.
Wheatley Homes Glasgow is helping a community drama group give people a voice.
We have launched a customer consultation to gather your thoughts on how we allocate our homes and communicate with you.
We have launched a customer consultation to gather your thoughts on how we allocate our homes and communicate with you.
Wheatley Group has today (20 June 2022) pledged to support Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian invasion by offering 300 available homes to local authorities across Scotland.
A new course is launching in Glasgow this month giving people a taster of working in the construction sector.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited a Glasgow community today (11 May 2022) to see first-hand how Wheatley Group is transforming the lives of disadvantaged young people and families.
Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights, Patrick Harvie MSP, visited a Glasgow community to see how Wheatley is helping tackle fuel poverty and cutting carbon emissions.
A bright new era for housing has begun today (1 April) as Scotland’s largest social landlord, GHA, becomes known as Wheatley Homes Glasgow.
Chair of Wheatley Foundation, Professor Paddy Gray OBE, has praised an upcycling furniture service which is helping tenants in need.
A bright new era in Scottish housing will begin in April when Scotland’s largest registered social landlord, GHA, is renamed Wheatley Homes Glasgow.
Tenants of Scotland’s biggest social landlord are being asked their views on plans for a massive £54 million transformation of a Glasgow community.
It was a visit from her grandkids in lockdown that got GHA tenant Tricia Anderson thinking.
Thanks for your patience as we continue to operate in line with government guidance.
Please remember we are here to support you and your family during these extraordinary times.
Make sure you and your family keep safe at home this Christmas.
Sixteen of Scotland's brightest and best university leavers have joined Wheatley Group's Ignite graduate training programme.
A new safe and secure way of paying is helping tenants keep on top of their rent.
We are doing everything we can to help you and your family stay safe at home during these difficult times.
Are you worried or have questions about Coronavirus? Expert help and advice from health care professionals and the Government is available.
GHA is helping children do better at school by giving them free tablet computers.
GHA staff raised a mountain of cash for charity by climbing the height of Mount Everest TWICE.
Thanks for your patience as we continue to operate a restricted range of services, in line with government guidance.
If you’re on Universal Credit, and claiming housing costs to pay your rent, make sure you let the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) know of changes to your rent.
A star of Scotland’s favourite soap is helping launch a new campaign to encourage tenants to stay safe at home.
School leavers have the chance to become Modern Apprentices with Scotland’s largest housing, property and care organisation.
The March issue of the Key – the magazine for GHA tenants – is out now.
Our Home Comforts service helps tenants who need furniture but can’t afford it.
GHA environmental staff have recycled dumped household items like washing machines and cookers and raised more than £13,000 for charity.
GHA tenants helped set up a food bank to provide emergency support to people in crisis.
Saving money using MySavings is now even easier – thanks to a new smartphone app.
The December issue of the Key – the magazine for GHA tenants – is out this week.
A gifted youngster from Milton hopes to make a career as a photographer when he’s older.
November is our Month of Engagement – and we want tenants to get involved.
The October issue of the Key – the magazine for GHA tenants – is out now.
GHA is encouraging tenants to recycle.
GHA’s App for smartphone users will no longer be available after 30 September.
Talented tenant Jean Nish has some good advice for keen amateur photographers – look for the unexpected, look up and above all, enjoy!
Tenants and their families were in the driving seat at a fun day in the south of Glasgow.
A community in the south of the city celebrated an important historical event last week – and had a party at the same time.
Your Livingwell News magazine is out now.
The summer issue of the Key – the magazine for GHA tenants – is out now.
These stunning images may look like they are from a remote Highland glen – but they were taken in the heart of Glasgow’s east end.
A tenant has praised GHA’s Environmental Wardens after they stopped a fire breaking out in her home.
MySavings will cost you less, every day.
A new-look community hall in a GHA block in Milton is bringing people together and helping them improve their skills.
Tenants in a community in the north east of Glasgow have called for more people to learn how to save a life.
Think you might be entitled to pension credit – the benefit that tops up your pension?
A GHA couple marked a major milestone recently by celebrating 70 years of marriage.
The March 2019 issue of the Key – the magazine for GHA tenants – is out shortly.
New GHA homes are changing tenants’ lives – and transforming communities at the same time.
Doreen McGrindle, like thousands of tenants across Glasgow, loves living in our multi-storey blocks.
With more than £170m spent on improving WHG tower blocks since 2003, tenants love the smart new look inside and out.
The December issue of the Key is out now - have you checked it out?
Glasgow really is the dear green place – and few places show it better than Knightswood.
A “Meet the Neighbours” event has given older tenants who have moved into new-build homes the chance to get together, make new friends and lay the foundations of a flourishing community.
GHA tenants in the south got a preview of new facilities to help older people live more independently.
Scotland’s largest social landlord is looking for a tenant to play a key role in shaping the future of homes and services in Glasgow’s communities.
TENANTS in Sighthill got together for a barbeque to celebrate the opening of a new play park – and give their views on future plans for the area.
A TENANT in the south is helping make his community cleaner and greener.
GHA’s housing office at Munro Place in Anniesland is moving to 20 Dykebar Avenue, Knightswood, G13 3HF.
The UK Government is making important changes to the benefits system – and we can help you work your way through them.
A community in the north east of Glasgow has been rated the first five-star GHA neighbourhood in the city.
A TEAM of GHA footballers has been winning friends and building bridges on and off the park.
The March 2018 issue of the Key – the magazine for GHA tenants – is out now.
Due to the major disruption caused by the bad weather our offices will be closed today (Friday). We’re very sorry for any inconvenience.
Due to the bad weather our offices will not be open today.
OUR Volunteer Plus partnership helped young people change their lives – and help others too.
Are you struggling to afford a hot drink or a bite to eat? A café in Glasgow is offering a free cuppa and a sandwich.
Tenants in the North East of Glasgow got closer to GHA staff over the summer.
GHA is helping older tenants make sure their homes are ready for the winter weather.
The December 2017 issue of the Key – the magazine for GHA tenants – is out now.
Virtuoso Dora MacDonald is a dab hand at painting, as these stunning pictures show.
GHA tenant Fraser Moore, 23, from Balornock, on how volunteering helped him realise what he is capable of doing.
A new community hall in Castlemilk is bringing older GHA tenants together and helping them socialise.
The latest issue of the Key – the magazine for GHA tenants – is out now.
Earlier today (Friday, September 8) the Direct Debit service provider Allpay accidentally took two rental payments from a number of GHA tenants.
GHA is helping people grow in confidence and improve their skills.
Stay safe at home – especially when it comes to fire.
The August 2017 issue of the Key – the magazine for GHA tenants – is out this week.
Our GHA van is out and about in the North East, helping us get closer to our customers.
Thousands of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in Scotland’s biggest city will be given a personal money mentor as part of a pioneering new scheme to tackle poverty and inequality.
The June 2017 issue of the Key – the magazine for GHA tenants – is out this week.
Almost 1000 East End schoolkids were going for gold at this year’s FARE Legacy Games.
GHA is all about creating ‘Better homes, better lives, a better Glasgow’.
Join Ted and see how a My GHA online services account makes it simple to pay rent and report repairs.
Tenants across the city are saving thousands of pounds thanks to GHA’s fuel advisors.
One of GHA’s largest developments of new social housing is on track for completion next year.
More than 50 new affordable homes are taking shape as part of a £20million regeneration project in Glasgow’s north-west.
Almost 50 new affordable homes are taking shape in the latest phase of a major regeneration project in the south side of Glasgow.
An innovative £4.3million district heating scheme in the south side of Glasgow will save hundreds of GHA tenants money on their fuel bills.
Wheatley Group is looking for 45 young people who like working outdoors to become its latest apprentices.
A GHA tenant who moved into a new community in the west of Glasgow says his new home has changed his life.
GHA has opened a new digital learning centre in Toryglen to give social housing tenants access to free online access and support.
Almost 1000 East End schoolkids were going for gold at this year’s FARE Legacy Games.
The latest step in the regeneration of a Glasgow community took place today when a block of flats was demolished to make way for new homes.
Older GHA tenants got the cha-cha-chance to put their best foot forward at a series of tea dances.
Tenants are helping to shape the next stage of the regeneration of the Gallowgate.