How we rent homes

The way we rent homes is open, clear and fair. Our homes are let to the people who need them most.

Anyone aged 16 or over can get personalised and clear advice through our housing information, advice and letting service, MyHousing.

The demand for social housing is far greater than the number of homes we have available.

We have a legal responsibility to let our homes for social rent to people considered to have the greatest housing need. This means we give reasonable preference to groups including homeless people and families living in overcrowded homes.

When you go into our MyHousing website, you will be asked to register for an account. Remember you will need a valid email address for this.

You will be asked to answer some simple questions about your household and circumstances. We will give you a Housing Options Plan with information about your housing needs and advice on your best options.

We will advise you what priority you have for social housing. If you have no or low priority you will be given advice on other housing options. These can include mid-market homes offered by Lowther Homes, other social landlords in your area and the private rented sector.

Priority Bands

We have nine different Bands which reflect your housing need.

  • Band A: Wheatley Group tenants who require urgent re-housing preventing homelessness
  • Band B: Statutory homeless referrals
  • Band C: Preventing homelessness
  • Band D: Reasonable preference
  • Band E: People getting older or who need additional support
  • Band F: No housing need
  • Band G: Local authority nominations
  • Band H: Direct lets to other organisations
  • Band L: Livingwell

Find out more details about each category at MyHousing Bands.

What if several people note an interest in the same home?

First priority will be given to those applicants who are in the same band that the home was advertised for.

The person or household who has been in that Band the longest will be offered the home.

This offer will be dependent on checks being carried out to ensure the information contained in the Housing Application is up-to-date and correct.

We will also check the home suits the size of your household and, if relevant, will ask your current landlord for a tenancy reference.