Housing options
We’re here to help find the right home for you.
There are other housing options if you are looking for a move, including:
Home swaps
If you’re a Wheatley Homes Glasgow tenant looking for a move then a home swap, or mutual exchange, could be the answer.
Tenants looking for a home swap in Glasgow can use House Exchange.
Once you have found another tenant to swap with, you can apply for a mutual exchange on MyHousing, our housing information, advice and letting service.
Other registered social landlords
Wheatley Homes Glasgow being a part of Wheatley Group gives you more choice than ever before. You can note an interest in homes in other parts of the Group.
MyHousing - our housing information, advice and letting service - includes homes with Wheatley Homes East and Loretto Housing Association.
Registering with other social landlords gives you a better chance of finding the right move. Find a list of other landlords on the Scottish Housing Regulator website.
Mid-market rents
Our sister company Lowther Homes has mid-market homes to suit every pocket.
Mid-market is for people on low or modest incomes who don’t have priority for social housing and who find it hard to buy a home.
Full-market rents
Our sister company Lowther Homes has a range of high-quality private rented homes across central Scotland.