Our new way of working involves a refreshed way of engaging. Our customers want us to listen to them and respond. As a result, we are increasing our engagement with customers so they can speak to us more frequently and understand more about rent changes, service design and delivery, and how we are investing in their communities.

Customer Voice engagement activities support the key outcomes of our Group Engagement Framework and allow us to listen, consult and co-create with our customers as we improve our services in the digital age.  Your participation in our Customer Voice engagement activities will result in the following outcomes:

  • Better and easier to use online services
  • Customers designing, influencing and co-creating our services
  • Increased capacity in our communities

Wheatley Housing Group is the 'controller' of the personal information you provide to us. This information is required to enable you to participate as fully as possible in our customer voice programme.

Our Data Protection Officer is Ranald Brown who can be contacted on #wheatleydataprotectionofficer@wheatley-group.com.

What information do we collect?

When you apply to join the Customer Voice Programme we will ask you a series of questions in a Microsoft Form.  We collect the following personal data so that you can participate in the programme:

  • Your full name
  • Your address
  • Your contact details (mobile telephone number, email address)
  • Ownership of digital devices and Internet access

We will also ask you to provide us with equalities information.  We ask for this information so that we can monitor the representation in the programme and target studies at particular groups.  It is optional to provide this information and you can continue in the programme without answering the equalities questions.

  • Age range
  • Preferred name
  • Pronouns
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Disability
  • Ethnicity
  • Household composition

If it is identified that you may require reasonable adjustments, for example due to a disability or underlying health condition(s), to be made to support your engagement with us, we may also collect information from you about this. This helps us to ensure agreed reasonable adjustments are documented and referred to when arranging engagement.

Why do we need this information?

We will process your personal information with your consent so that you can participate in our Customer Voice Programme.  This will mean we can engage you in learning exercises and software usability studies and allow reporting and monitoring so that we can ensure that our products and services are better designed and useful for all our customers.

The personal information collected through engagement studies will enable the following:

  • Improve the standard of service design through immediate feedback and evaluation
  • Monitor attendance so that we can support customers to attend and get benefit from the studies
  • Report to leaders across the Group on the impact of customer engagement
  • Understand our customers and to develop our products and services to support customers better.
  • Allows to understand and accommodate reasonable adjustments when suitable

You can withdraw your consent at any time to participate in the programme.  You can do this by telephoning us on 0800 479 7979.

We may ask you if we can process your personal information for additional purposes.  For example, to report on the impact of the Customer Voice Programme, for use in a case study or for a news article.  Where we do so, we will provide you with an additional privacy notice with information on how we will use your information for these additional purposes.

Who we share your personal information with?

Your personal information will be accessed by staff in Wheatley Group for the purposes set out in this privacy notice or for other purposes where approved by you or as otherwise permitted by law.

Statistical information on engagement studies undertaken within the Group will be shared with the Executive Team and Board, as well as a summary of statistical equality monitoring information which may also be published in our Group Annual Equalities Report.

Restricted, pertinent details of any agreed reasonable adjustments will be shared internally within Wheatley Group as required to support engagement arrangements. Externally, we may need to share restricted details of some reasonable adjustments with third parties e.g. to arrange appropriate transport or venues.  Details will be shared to the extent it is necessary to make appropriate arrangements for you.

We may need to share personal information with local authorities, government departments and agencies, with our regulator and auditors or with other organisations and agencies where we are legally allowed to do so.

We may be required to share personal information with Statutory or Regulatory authorities and organisations to comply with statutory obligations.   We will only share information on the basis of your consent or in accordance with UK data protection legislation.

How we protect your personal information?

Your personal information is stored securely on our paper and IT filing systems which may be copied for testing, backup, archiving and disaster recovery purposes. Access to your information is limited to those who require it to provide services to you. All data is held within the UK.

How long we keep your information?

We will only keep your personal information for as long as necessary to facilitate the service improvement processes your study has assisted with.

We have a data retention schedule that sets out the periods for retaining and reviewing all information that we hold. Personal information and images for Stronger Voices will be retained for a maximum of three years.

Your rights

You can exercise any of the following rights by writing to us at Wheatley Group, Wheatley House, 25 Cochrane Street, Glasgow, G1 1HL or by e-mailing info@wheatley-group.com

Your rights in relation to your personal information are:

  • you have a right to request access to the personal information that we hold about you by making a "subject access request";
  • if you believe that any of your personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, you have a right to request that we correct or complete your personal information;
  • you have a right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information for specific purposes; and
  • if you wish us to delete your personal information, you may request that we do so.

Any requests received by Wheatley Group will be considered under applicable data protection legislation.  If you remain dissatisfied, you have a right to raise a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office at www.ico.org.uk

The accuracy of our information is important to us - please help us keep our records updated by informing us of any changes to your personal information.