
Our education bursaries help tenants and their families pursue their dreams of further education.

The bursary programme - run by Wheatley Group’s charitable trust, the Wheatley Foundation - is now open for applications.

Bursaries are worth up to £1500 for full-time students and £750 for part-time studies for people studying for an HNC, HND, Undergraduate Degree or Postgraduate.

The bursaries are available to people living in homes owned by one of Wheatley’s social landlords - Wheatley Homes Glasgow, Wheatley Homes East, Wheatley Homes South and Loretto Housing - and people who live in a home factored by or rented from Lowther.

Applications have now closed for the 2023/24 academic year.

For more information email bursaries@wheatley-group.com.