Milton Summerston Lambhill

Older people in Milton who struggle to get out have a new lifeline service - thanks to GHA.

GHA Community Engagement Officer Stephen O’Hare is the talk of his community - and with very good reason.

Homes in Lambhill have been given a summer makeover by GHA's green team.

WE’VE been working hard to improve homes and communities in the area.

Do you have the best-looking garden in Milton? Enter our competition to win some great prizes.

An old store room at Acre Community Hall has been transformed into a computer room for local people thanks to GHA.

We know you care about your neighbourhood – and we do too.

Shetland ponies Wilson and Eduardo trotted along to Livingwell sites in Summerstoun to bring cheer to our older customers and their families.

GHA is helping tenants in Milton who are struggling to put food on the table.

Milton tenant Gemma Woodrow is living life to the full thanks to our Modern Apprenticeship programme.