Nitshill Kennishead Darnley

GHA has joined forces with the community in Darnley to tackle issues with littering.

Tenants at the family fun days in Nitshill and Carnwadric are saving money on their shopping thanks to GHA.

A blitz on illegal dumping has transformed a south side community.

GHA joined forces with a local community group in the south of the city for a ‘Spring Clean’.

Sitting down, standing up, running on the spot – older tenants in the south side are helping each other stay healthy and active.

GHA's Neighbourhood Environmental Teams are keeping communities neat and clean this winter.

Tenants living in Nitshill asked GHA if we could help clear a community path which was a hotspot for flytipping.

GHA's Neighbourhood Environmental Teams (NETs) love keeping communities in the south looking neat and tidy.

We’ve been working hard to improve homes and communities in the area.

Tenants and local residents in Thornliebank joined GHA staff at our Community Engagement Event in July to share views on the community.

We know you care about your neighbourhood – and we do too.

GHA tenants in the south got a preview of new facilities to help older people live more independently.